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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rubbermaid House Party!

House Party

Have you heard of House Party?
A House Party is thousands of parties across the country, hosted by people like you. Each event is sponsored by a leading brand and focuses on something cool that the sponsor wants its best fans to experience firsthand and share with their friends.

I was picked to host  Rubbermaid Reveal 'The Clean Little Secrets' - new Spray Mop!

Reveal Spray Mop

I was so excited when my box came.
Below is everything that was inside.

The mop was so easy to put together and very light weight.
Reveal Refillable Spray Bottle
It comes with two bottles that you can mix your own solutions into. I really love this because this makes it super cheap!
Rubbermaid says it can save you about $50.00 per year on cleaning solutions.
I also like that if you are in the middle of cleaning your floor you have a backup of cleaning solution just ready to put in.

It came with a Cleaning Solution sheet of different 'mixes' you could use on your floors.
I had an idea of what I was going to put in my bottles before I even looked at the sheet- however I used one of their mixes for my hard wood floor and I LOVE it!
My floors are super shiny!

Reveal Microfiber Wet Mopping Pad

The microfiber pads are very wide and thick. Rubbermaid states they pick up more then 50% over the traditional mop.
I would 100% agree. I sweep my floor 2-3 times a day and mop at least once.
I do not have to do this as much with this mop- I love it!
Also with it being microfiber I feel that my floors dry a lot faster as well.

I was so suprised to see how well this mop worked!

These are my floors before-

And these are my floors after-

See how shiny!
I just love it! 

I had no idea how much Rubbermaid had to offer!
You can go here to their site to check it out.

You can buy this mop at some Walmart stores, Target and Home Depot.

House Party has some great party's right now.



Make sure you go here and sign up and register to host a party for your family and friends.

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